RLM WMS Enhanced

RLM WMS Enhanced gives your warehouse personnel the power of handheld scanning devices within the warehouse. Eliminate unnecessary lost time or entry mistakes by giving the users the ability to scan on the floor. RLM WMS Enhanced gives you all the same capabilities of the RLM WMS Express package and much more. With warehouses running as large as two million square feet, or as small as 40,000 square feet, this system facilitates the location of any product within the warehouse. Set up scannable locations by an aisle, row, and bin within the warehouse, and scan putaway product by locations. Auto routing gives users the ability to scan pick tickets and the mobile device will lead them to the appropriate locations s to pick the products. With RLM’s Wave Release application, which works in tandem with the RLM WMS Enhanced package, you can bulk pick product by customer, PO, router, and several other bulking capabilities.
Major Features of WMS Enhanced
- Stock locator by aisle, row, bin locations
- Wave release system
- Cycle counting
- Free a specific aisle, row, bin location
- Count, and adjust your inventory all through scanning
- RF Handheld wireless device on screen entry functionality
- License plating by case
- Scan receiving into a location
- Scan putaway to a location
- Mass putaway
- SKU putaway
- Scan picking off a barcoded pick ticket
- Auto pick routing
- Auto re-routing
- Bulk picking by location
- Unallocatable Bin locations
- Inventory visibility by stock location
- Transactional history by location
- Multi-building, transfer capabilities
- Multi-company capable
- Scan packing at a packing station
- Hand held scan packing on the wireless RF device